Need to raise an issue with us?
Talk to us, we want to make it right.
In the unlikely event you are not happy with any part of the service we provide to you, there are steps you can take to report this to us and have the issue escalated.
In the first instance, you should ensure you have carried out all the steps already suggested by our support team. Or if your dispute is regarding a billing issue, ensure that you have provided documentary evidence to support your claim to our accounts team, where the large majority of issues can be resolved in the normal manner.
If you feel you have exhausted all existing avenues and you are still not happy with the outcome you can raise the issue as per our dispute resolution policy. Disputes are passed to board level management and we aim to resolve all disputes within five working days.
To lodge a dispute, please complete the form below, you will receive a response within four hours to confirm it has been received, and then receive our initial findings within 24 hours.